Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The study of Circles in an important topic under Geometry. Circles are 2 dimensional figures. They are defined as a geometrical figure which is formed by a set of equidistant points from a particular point. It is also given as the locus of a particular point. A circle has different characteristics to study about like:
The students need to understand each character in detail to solve problems based on them. Each of them is given by a formula for computation of it's value. The students need to be familiar with the formulas and the steps to be followed while computing the values.
Students can now-a-days get ample support online. They get exhaustive amount of solved examples observing which students can learn solving problems on their own. If they encounter any hassles or doubts, they can approach the online Geometry tutors who are expert in their subjects.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vast math knowledge

Let us learn more on multiplying fractions calculator

There are three types of fractions,

1. Proper fraction

2. Improper fraction

3. Mixed fraction

Proper fraction:

A fraction is of the form a/b, where b > a

Improper fraction

A fraction is of the form a/b, where a > b

Mixed fraction:

A fraction is of the form a . Here a = Quotient.

b = Remainder

c = Divisor.

Need help...? with Mean calculator

Also take a Step forward to math

Monday, September 6, 2010

Learn solving math Online

Let us learn what is Mean Deviation?

The mean deviation is the first dispersion used in the each computation. It is the mean of the difference between the each value and the mean. The mean deviation is also termed as mean absolute deviation. mean deviation is a discrete distribution. It has two steps.

1. Find the mean value

2. Subtract the mean from original value; take the absolute value of each difference, sum the absolute values, then divide by the number of values.

Find blank venn diagram

Mean Deviation=∑ |x-x¯| / n

The average of difference (without sign) in each value in the given set is called as mean deviation and Math Problems Help.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Funny Math

Do you know how to define converse ...?

A fraction is a number that can represent part of a whole. For example, is a fraction, here a whole part is divided into 3 equal parts and represents one part in the whole. Generally, a fraction is denoted in the form of . Here, p is celled as numerator and q is called as denominator.

Proper ,Improper ,Mixed fractions,

Do you know what is multiplication calculator .....?

Conversions of fractions

An improper fraction can be converted in to a mixed number and a mixed number can be converted into an improper fraction. Here Knowledge of Math are going to see the conversions of fractions.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Look here for math help

Elementary Geometry deals with some basic concepts like lines,points, planes etc., which are explained in detail below.

Elementary Geometry is learnt in primary and secondary level and it covers some basic concepts of geometry.


It is an exact location. It is a fine dot which has no length or breadth nor thickness but has position i.e., it has no magnitude. It is denoted by capital letters A, B, C, O etc.

Line segment

The straight path joining 2 points A and B is called a line segment Do You Know what is ray geometry

For more details refer Geometry World

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Math Homework

Do you know that calculus help free:-

Study free calculus helps involves the process of learning problems in calculus from free websites. Calculus is one of the parts of mathematics which deals with finding rate of the change of the given function with respect to change in the input function. Calculus is separated into differential calculus and integral calculus to find the rate of change. The following are the example problems in calculus to study with the helps of free websites.

Study Free Calculus Helps Example Problems:

Example 1:

Simplify the non linear function by differentiation

f(s) = 2s 3 – 5s 6 + 7s


The given function is

f(s) = 2s 3 – 5s 6 + 7s

Perform differentiation operation for the given function

f '(s) = 2(3 s 2) – 5(6s 5 ) + 7

Solving the above terms we get,Free calculus problems.

f '(s) = 6s 2 – 30s 5 + 7 is the answer.

Example 2:

Simplify the non linear function by differentiation.

f(s) = 4s2 – 7s 3 – 4s 6 + 5


The given function is

f(s) = 4s2 – 7s 3 – 4s 6 + 5

Perform differentiation operation for the given function

f '(s) = 4(2s)7(3s 2 ) – 4( 6s 5) + 0

Solving the above terms we get,do you know how to solve-math-problems

f '(s) = 8s – 21s 2 – 24s 5 is the answer.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Math Homework

Introduction to acute triangle Problems:

Triangles are the most important geometrical shapes, it is a closed shape with three sides and angles. The triangles are divided into two types they are based on angles They are acute and obtuse triangle. In acute triangle all the angle are less than 90oand the total angles in acute triangle sum up to 180o then it is said to be acute angle triangle. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of acute triangle with suitable example.

Also to know more on what is acute triangle ...?

acute angle triangle

In the acute triangle one of the angle is 70o and other angle is 60o .find third angle


The acute triangle one of the angle is 70o and other angle is 60o .find the third angle

Step1:In the acute triangle one of the angle is less than 90o and the total angle of the obtuse triangle is 180o.

Step 2: One sides of angle is given 70o and other angle is 60o.

Here a+b+c = 180o

A is 70o and b is 60o

70o +60o+c = 180o

130o+c =180o

Step 3: subtracting both sides by 130o

130o+c-130o =180o-130o

c = 50o.

Step 4: The third angel is 50o.

Step 6: The angles of obtuse angle is 70o, 60o and 50o.

One world to solve all your Queries Geometry World