Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Learning factoring

Let us know factoring by grouping

In mathematics, factoring is one of the important topic in algebra. Given expression can be factored by using the method of factoring by grouping. The given polynomial expression can be factored by different methods that are factoring by grouping, using trinomials by ac method, and group the polynomials more than two groups. Let us solve some example problems in factoring by grouping.

How do i do factors using grouping
so let's group and then factor
(a+3)(b+2) and that is our final answer!
Get more help with proof by contradiction

In algebra 1, factoring is the process of splitting a polynomial into smaller polynomials or monomials. The factors of a polynomial cannot be divided by any polynomial without remainder. The product of the factors of a polynomial gives the polynomial.

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