Sunday, August 8, 2010

Geometry formula sheet

Geometry formula sheet for area and perimeter:

Area and perimeter formula for square is,

Area = a2

Perimeter = 4a

Area and perimeter formula for Rectangle is,

Area = lw = length x width

Perimeter = 2(l +w)

Area and perimeter formula for Triangle is,

Area = bh = x base x height

Perimeter = a + b + c

Area and perimeter formula for Circle is,

Area = Πr2

Perimeter = 2Πr

Formula sheet for surface area (SA) and volume (V) of solids:

Volume and surface area for Cube is,

Volume = a3

Surface area = 6a2

Volume and surface area for Rectangular Prism is,

Volume = lwh = length x width x height

Surface area = 2lw + 2hw + 2lh

Also need help with factorising

Volume and surface area for General Prisms is,

Volume = Bh = area of base x height

Surface area = sum of the areas of the faces

Volume and surface area for Sphere is,

Volume = 4Πr3

Surface area = (4/3) Πr2

Need Information on Problems on Prime number

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