Sunday, August 22, 2010

Math Problems Help

Introduction to highest common factor

To define factor one has to pass through three stages. The definition has to begin from the word on the extreme right, which is "factor",.then to include the next term "common" and lastly to include the word, "highest".

In that order the three concepts "FACTOR", "COMMON FACTOR" and "HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR" which is in define highest common factor will be defined in the following paragraphs.

Factor in Define Highest Common Factor

Let us start by defining "factor", the word on the extreme right of the term "highest common factor". From out of many meanings of the word but one specific meaning is used here. We say that number x is a factor of number y, if we can find another number k such that y = k x. however, we can also say that on dividing y by x (y as dividend and x as quotient) we get a remainder of zero.

Also find some useful information on Greatest common factor calculator

Ex:1 (Factors of 4)

Factors of 4 are: 1, 2, 4

Ex:2 (Factors of 12)

Factors of 12 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12.... Learn solving math Online

Notice that 1 and the number itself will always be among the factors of a number. It is natural, because for any number x, we have x = 1 * x and also x = x * 1.

Also you can follow my blogs for math problem solver. I hope this was useful.

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